Function support

1.Asset registration system

Asset registration is one of the basc features of CoinConnectPro, and the assetregistration process is usually completed by a gateway or gateway agent. All assetsregistered by the gateway or agent need to be trusted by the owner of the asset,the same asset. Registered assets are mainlyand only two trusted parties can tradedivided into:
  • Currency assets: Currency assets are mainly used to connect the gateway with other digital currencies and digital asset platforms. For example, the gatewaycan register the asset code of BTC, and any account with BTC can trust the gateway and recharge the BTC assets to the gateway account. There is nolimit to the assets of currency type, and the number of actual currency asset so wned by the gateway can register as many asset symbols.
  • Physical assets: mainly refers to the digitalization of assets, such assets aregenerally registered by enterprises or institutions, and sold by the gateway.Such assets generally have a certain amount, after the completion of there gistration, will be through the operation of the threshold of authority tocommit suicide, restricting the asset registration party no longer issue

2.CoinConnectPro wallet support

In order to make it easy for ordinary users to use the wallet, theCoinConnectPro wallet is SPv, which means that the wallet is accessed via the Web.The wallet uses SSL protocol and supports Symantec CA certificates. At the sametime, the wallet can support cold wallet and hot wallet.
  • .Cold wallet: a wallet suitable for large funds. The public and private key pairsof the wallet are generated offline, and users can generate any favorite keypair. After the key is selected, you can provide a public key starting with G toreceive large funds, and keep the private key information starting with S incustody.
  • Hot wallet: Hot wallet is suitable for small and fast transaction scenarios. Thehot wallet key is managed. When the user registers the wallet account, theprivate key generated by the user's payment password is encrypted locallyon the user's computer through 3DES, and the encryption result is hosted inthe wallet cloud through SSL protocol. That is, the hot wallet key informationtransmitted on the network and stored in the cloud is the user's encrypteddata, and no one can get the original content of the private key except the wallet user.
When the user needs to sign the transaction, the private key will be obtainedfrom the wallet cloud server, and the user will enter the payment password todecrypt the content in the user's local computer. After the decryption is successfulthe wallet local program will sign the transaction information with the private keyand submit it to the global intelligent transaction center network for transaction.
The CoinConnectPro wallet contains two types of assets: native assets andregistered assets, similar in nature to the RMB and various cards found in real lifewallets. While native assets can be used without any trust, assets registered with thegateway must trust the corresponding asset in order to exchange value.

3.Asset query system support

A complete asset query system is provided to make it easy for ordinary users tocheck the amount of assets displayed in any application developed onCoinConnectPro. The asset query system supports linking different SYBZ nodes toquery the ledger status, and can observe each block and the generation of eachtransaction in real time. When entering the corresponding account, the balance ofvarious assets and all transaction records of the account can be queried.

4. Income aggregator support

In order to meet the diversified trading needs of users, CoinConnectPro wilimplement the construction of the income aggregator system by creating DeFilock-up. That is, we will build the CoinConnectPro trade income aggregator to openthe DeFi lock. in the form of an aggregator, CoinConnectPro expands tradingfunctions, such as pledging USDT, transferring funds into the exchange vault, andmanaging the funds through policy to maximize returns while minimizing risks.
CoinConnectPro integrates the income aggregator system to enable efficientmulti-asset interworking. On the road to value gains, we recognize the drawbacksof existing similar platforms, because each other's ideas are different, but can notgo to the higher ground, in different communities, maybe everyone speaks thesame language, but each holds their own ideas and values. CoinConnectProbelieves that community communication does not require full recognition of valuesand the protocol that CoinConnectPro follows is a bridge across all chains toabsorb and receive all those who adhere to the concept of decentralization, and lead them to the ultimate freedom.

5.Matrix trading engine

In order to achieve top-notch information flow processing capabilities, ensureaccurate information arrival and error-free processing results, CoinConnectProtrading platform adopts its self-developed Matrix engine system, which has beentested to achieve a maximum peak transaction processing speed of 5 million TPSThe transaction matching efficiency is 35%-40% higher than that of the sameindustry, providing basic technical support for the stable and efficient operation ofthe platform; At the same time, CoinConnectPro platform will integrate andoptimize the configuration of cloud computing for each node, so thatCoinConnectPro can reach the processing speed of the top international stockfutures trading platform.

6.Operation management system module core business edition and golang Lab edition
  • Network isolation through VPC, VPN access mechanism to improve security;
  • https, combined with high defense and WAF to improve anti-attackcapability;
  • At the service level, a financial risk control mechanism is introduced tocomprehensively improve user security.